A Message from the High Key (Volume 871 Issue 11)


Welcome to the latest edition of the Locksmith newsletter. This week is all about “Listening to Directions” and “Doing As Your Told!” You’ll be hearing from Leadership shortly, but if I may be so bold as to add to His or Her or Their cryptic directives:

1. Recruitment is down. We had a lot of deaths in our ranks in 2016, both planned and unforeseen. We need quality members to join The Order of the Grand Lock as we are slowly losing ground to those GotO’s and we need the shadow of our influence to stretch deep into ever corner. Even at noon-time!

There is what I believe is called a “hyper-link” at the top of this email with which you may invite new initiatives. Please do so (but please choose wisely! We are a little ways away from the next Sacred Revitalization!)

2. Someone keeps doing the toilet paper the wrong way! All members of The Order of the Grand Lock must install their toilet paper the overhand way. If I keep getting reports about the backwards method being used in the Temples, no one is going to be happy. Ask a Barron about the days of single ply.

In this week’s issue the Leadership issues another of their sporadic proclamations and then a list of the upcoming books you’re both going to want to buy and will need to buy from the Grand Lock Press.

In Fellowship,
High Key (No.00103)
From Volume 871 Issue 11 – Subscribe here, members, to be the first to get the next newsletter!