A Message from the High Key (Volume 871 Issue 10)


Welcome to the latest edition of the Locksmith newsletter. It feels like just a short while since I’ve spoken with so many of you as the turn-out for the Inauguration of the Shadow President of the United States was so jam-packed.

As you know, Connie “Conrad” O’Birchwood put her hand on the Spaight Family Lock Tome and was sworn in on the as the 45th Shadow President in a private ceremony on Friday. She looked truly majestic, wearing her ceremonial robe, holding aloft the ceremonial flame sword, and making unblinking eye contact with those in the front row of the audience. As the true head of the executive branch, she promised great things for our country that would remain “both seen and unseen.” No one pressed her on what an unseen great thing would be, and no one ever will.

Welcome, Shadow President O’Birchwood, and goodbye, as you head back into the shadows!

In this week’s issue, the Advisory Council answers your queries and we give a little history behind the versatile Grand Lock Gesture. Use both The Gesture and the advice in your day to day life! It’s mandatory!

In Fellowship,
High Key (No.00103)
From Volume 871 Issue 10 – Subscribe here, members, to be the first to get the next newsletter!