A Message from the High Key (Volume 871 Issue 19)

Hello, Locks. It would appear that some of the drama from the past fewweeks may finally be settling down, allowing us to focus on the future and forge new Secret Empires as The Order of the Grand Lock.

To help us focus on the future, we look today to the past, with a very special treat. One of our Lock historians has a new book due out soon from OotGL Press, and as a little bit of mandatory synergy, he has provided us with a sneak peek at his work.

A special shout-out to our usual historian, Pick F.W. Hargreave for her careful guidance and editing throughout the process.

A second shout-out to the surviving family of D. Brüchsthe author of last week’s scathing op-ed, who sadly and suddenly lost his tragic battle with being alive.

In Fellowship,
High Key (No.00103)