A Message From the High Key (Vol 871, Iss 38)

Welcome, Locks. I recognize that this space is ordinarily used to express a view on recent or upcoming events within the world of The Order from the perspective of a high-ranking individual within said Order. However, today I must break out of this structure, oh so briefly:

Have you guys tried miniature pizza bagels? My nephew was eating them for lunch and I snuck one away from his plate, and my goodness. I’m not usually one for previously frozen foods, but I can say confidently that they may have miniaturized the bagel, but certainly not the flavor!

This week we offer a few pieces of advice from the Grand Lock Advisory Council. As always, please read and internalize all of there advice immediately as it is not only interesting, it is part of your duties as a member.

In Fellowship,
High Key (No.00103)

From Volume 871 Issue 38 – Subscribe here, members, to be the first to get the next newsletter!