A Message from the High Key (Vol 872, Iss 4)

Happy December to All Locks,
A quick apology to all Grand Lock parents out there: if you are using the Grand Lock edition of the Elf on a Shelf, there was an incident on the 17th that may have caused the listening device embedded in your elf to stop transmitting and begin broadcasting live audio from the Grand Lock, Elf Division holiday party. In case any of children were traumatized, please let them know that the employees involved in the incident have been reprimanded and the copy machine has been repaired.

This week, we rejoin Barb’s Corner for a look at what’s going on at Grand Lock Lodge 129. The Holiday Spirit is in the air which is sometimes good and sometimes horrifying, as Barb reminds us.

In Fellowship,
High Key (No.00103)
From Volume 872 Issue 4 – Subscribe here, members, to be the first to get the next newsletter!