A Message from the High Key (Vol 872, Iss 10)

Welcome, Locks.
As you know, our numbers are many and are dispersed across this globe relatively evenly (though for whatever reason, we do have a higher than average concentration of members in Australia). So, when I say “the frigid tyranny of snow is very nearly at an end,” and “be gone, Lady Winter! You shall darken my doorstep no more!” I recognize that this sentiment may not be relatable to all members who are reading this.

But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t come from the heart.

In that spirit, this week we’re getting ready for Spring, Vanquisher of the Cold! Prepare yourselves (and your bookcases!)!

In Fellowship,
High Key (No.00103)
From Volume 872 Issue 10 – Subscribe here, members, to be the first to get the next newsletter!