

Infrequently, we here at the Locksmith Newsletter make a mistake that makes it to publication. Even more infrequently, we acknowledge these mistakes.

  • In a 1998 edition of the Locksmith Newsletter we described the British children’s book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Store as “childish pap, suitable only for the very young, or very, very stupid.” The title is actually “and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” We regret the error.
  • A caption published in the December 4, 1973 edition for a photo of Shadow President M. Alburgin shaking photos with an unnamed man, failed to identify said man as President Richard Nixon. We would apologize for the error, but he is dead, so what’s the point?
  • A comic strip appearing in Vol 872 Iss 50 promised a funny pun once the Grand Lock Jumble was completed. While the answer did result in a pun, it was not funny.
  • In May of 1989, a wedding announcement appeared in the Locksmith Newsletter which purported that Tumbler A. Reynolds and a Locksmith Newsletter editor had “a love undying that would continue until they turned to dust.” It has been widely reported that this was an untruth within this publication’s pages, so consider this your latest reminder that you are worse than scum, Andrew.
  • The correct phrase is “champing at the bit,” not “chomping.” That was a correction for something you’re doing wrong.
  • An article on Thursday about the Yankees’ win over the Minnesota Twins on last week misstated the number of home runs Jeremiah Chechik has hit and his position among the major league leaders. He is in fact the director of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and not a baseball player.
  • The contact information at the bottom of the Vol 871 Iss 12Corrections section used the word “though” when it meant “thought.” It was a cry for attention that no one answered.

Have you found an error in an edition of the Locksmith Newsletter? Keep it to yourself. We get in trouble when you email our mistakes How’d you like it if we directly contacted your boss every time you screwed up? You never thought aboot it like that, did you?

From Volume 872 Issue 23 – Subscribe here, members, to be the first to get the next newsletter!