Coming Soon from TooTGL Press

The Lock Who Came Inside for Tea by Jean la Autó

The master of the Grand Lock spy novel returns with his newest page-turner in the grand tradition of his previous 23 novels! Drawing on his past life as a spy for the Shadow Parliament in the United Kingdom (we take it at his word that this is true) his newest thriller continues the thread from the previous nail-biter and maximizes the tension to the extreme! We haven’t read it yet, but our dad loves it!

The Complete Tuber Diet

Diet crazes! You have to try them! But what if there was a diet that nestled itself peacefully into your already pre-established diet? Meet The Tuber Diet. If you’ve been looking for a way to incorporate more potatoes into your daily routine, the good people at Potato World Monthly with a small subsidy from The National Council of Potato Growers, have just the solution. Try their potato pancakes with vodka-infused potato syrup for breakfast! Indulge yourself with a thrice-baked potato for lunch (the third baking is from when you microwaved it again before eating it!)! And for dinner: It’s scalloped potatoes (once you finish your potato salad!). Finally for dessert: mashed potatoes in an ice cream cone! Try and do it to it with The Tuber Diet!

Joey Season 9 on DVD

Generally we find a reason to be thankful to be a part of our Order every single day, but when our Order (and us alone!) are given 7 additional seasons of the Friends spin-off Joey that the rest of the world doesn’t have access- Well, you can’t help but say “How am I doin’? I’m doin’ pretty darn good!”

Originally aired in 2012, Season 9 of Joey features the season-long arc in which Joey is cast as the host of a reality show, but finds a newly married Joey and Alex trying to figure out just how stable this job is, when they’re pretty sure the reality show bubble is going to burst at any moment! You’ll love all 23 episodes of warmth, tears and, once and a while, laughs!

From Volume 872 Issue 35 – Subscribe here, members, to be the first to get the next newsletter!