A Message from the High Key (Vol 872, Iss 42)


Welcome Locks,
They say you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. So, let’s try it this way first.

If you stole the antique bird perch from Lodge 45 in Roxanna, New Jersey, please return it. Thank you. 🙂

Should this honey not do the trick, I will let loose the vinegar. The vinegar will take the form of interrogation, coercion, threats of violence, violence, and no smiling faces made of punctuation marks. If you want my advice, you do not want to get to that stage.

Speaking of advice, this week we have a visit from the Grand Lock Advisory Council! Heed their words (and my words above).

In Fellowship,
High Key (No.00103)

From Volume 872 Issue 42 – Subscribe here, members, to be the first to get the next newsletter!