A Message from the High Key (Vol 872, Iss 52)


Wake up, please,
We hope you had a lovely Holiday Pot Luck at your individual lodge. Thank you to everyone who brought in their pet birds to add some good old fashioned irony to the occasion as we ate (some) turkey and (a lot of) potatoes.

One question that often rears it’s head around this time of year concerns New Years’ parties. Can a Lock attend a non-Lock party when we know that Actual New Years is actually on a few weeks later?

The answer is: yes. But when the countdown is happening, you must either remain silent, or begin counting down from 1,123,210, since the actual day that the years shifts is 13 days from that point.

In Fellowship,
High Key (No.00103)

From Volume 872 Issue 52 – Subscribe here, members, to be the first to get the next newsletter!