A Message from Leadership

by Leadership

The chalice of Versailles has shattered. Custodians of Yvelelines have been commanded; proper precautions have been taken. Look for three flashes in southern sky before proceeding. The dog races are cancelled. Do not be deceived by the dogs on the dog track. Our actors are cunning and swift.

Bore witness to a new omen unfolding: two opossums in my side yard. Their hot mouths briney with froth. McDonald’s Monopoly game will not prove profitable this year. AVOID.

Orchid crops worldwide have produced record-setting sized blossoms. Orchid nectar, though tempting is a deceitful treacle. Sip in moderation and indoors only. A vital realization is unfolding within the night orchid crops of Handford, CN. Hang a night orchid blossom in your side yard. J will check to make sure.

Previous missive was premature. Finally finished Tipping Point. M. Gladwell is FALSE PROPHET. May be multiple people/triplets/etc. Do not attempt to apprehend. Conspiracy under investigation.

When it comes to pencils, there’s only one choice in the eyes of Leadership: Number Two.

Fire, flame, hunger, robber, wild smoke. Each will punish mightily, for it is in their nature to do so. One can not strike back for they are wholly forces of nature. Oh. Except the robber.

The die is cast and the cast is plaster. You may sign it, but like all things, it is temporary until what lies beneath has healed. Don’t write anything bad on it because my mom’ll see. Mother sees all.

“Branches”: WEAL
2017 Kia Forte: WEAL
Oregon ballot measure 98: WOE
Wearing turtlenecks this winter: WEAL
Wearing mock turtlenecks this winter: WOE
Amphibious vehicles (preparations still incomplete): WOE
Managing my cholesterol via Lipitor: WEAL

From Volume 871 Issue 11 – Subscribe here, members, to be the first to get the next newsletter!