A Message from the High Key (Vol 872, Iss 40)

Locks. Hello.
A quick word about the Grand Lock Logo Redesign Contest: it does not exist. So, if you read a social media post on “LockerRoom,” please know that you have been the victim of a cruel prank. The beloved Lock and Beams logo has been in place for hundreds of years, possibly even more than that. So you can stop sending in anthropomorphic lock characters, as well as the threats of violence sprung from our decision to change the logo. Thank you.

This week, we rejoin Barb’s Corner for a look at what’s happening in her neck of the woods as she reminds us that happiness is everywhere if you alter your expectations just enough.

In Fellowship,
High Key (No.00103)

From Volume 872 Issue 40 – Subscribe here, members, to be the first to get the next newsletter!