Upcoming Events

  • Meeting of the Keys – On January 11th, the highest level members of the Order will meet at the Grand Temple in Washington, DC to discuss ongoing campaigns, and future overarching goals. All members at the Barron or Key levels must attend (except for P.D.T. who already asked if he could Skype in.)
  • Sacred Revitalization – Each Grand Lock Temple will be open until midnight on January 13th to administer the Rites of Sacred Revitalization. (If your boss is a member, though, just let them know and they’ll probably let you out.) Please remember the text (sacred) and the towel (regular).
  • Self-Improvement Seminar – The Haddon Ave. Temple in Philadelphia, PA will be running a free self-improvement seminar on January 22nd. It is free to any interested member with advance RSVP. Topics include: “I’m Controlling the Media, But Am I Controlling My Life?” and “How to Get a Few More Years Out of Your Sacred Robe.”
  • All Grand Lock Temples will be closed on January 13th for Actual New Year’s Day.

From Volume 871 Issue 8 – Subscribe here, members, to be the first to get the next newsletter!